Company INFUR offers varied collection of natural fur and leather of high quality.
The main function of company is a criterion for the best performance criterion between price and quality, and highly individual approach to requirements of each buyer separately.
Not without reason the fur is called still “soft gold”. It, as well as any other ornament, gives a feeling of chic, luxury, euphoria, happiness from being possessed byt, a feeling of comfort and warmth. Fur as nothing else, is a Dumb Witness of the high status of the owner. The fur is capable to change, make an image to be elegant and at the same time extravagant during a evening appereance. It is safe to say about fur, it looks pertinently on any of the events. The fur is the thing, buying which, the owner invests in success.
For many years of being in business we have a wide experience in saling of fur products, our shops became one of the most popular fur salons of Tallinn and deserved credit of many buyers who came back for the second, third, and sometimes and the eighth fur coat or jacket come to our salons, and it is the best evaluation of our work.
The price policy of the company goes wery well with customers with different income levels – we have also inexpensive, but at the same time qualitative things, and also exclusive ones. In our firm is a quality and price ratio out of competition.
Permanently the greatest demand in our fur salons has products from a mink – mink coats undoubtedly are an indicator of the high status of its owner. But there are also other, not less attractive furs which you will also find in our shops.
We are conveniently located in the heart of old Tallinn, at Town Hall Square. The neighbourhood and collaboration with fur salon SOFT GOLD (Viru 14) give you the chance to conveniently visit two big specialized shops at once. Fur coats, sheepskin coats, leather jackets, products from a thick woolen cloth with finishing by natural fur, down-padded coats, caps, fur mittens, high fur boots, bags and a set of other accessories. Thanks to the neighbourhood of two big shops the choice became really huge.
All products our firm, not dependent on a season, regularly buys in small parties, and a variety of designs, styles and colors allows to find the thing both to captious fans of classics, and admirers of extreme vanguard.